How to apostille a document issued in New York?
If your document is issued in the state of New York and will be used abroad, an Apostille is required. The Apostille may be affixed to documents bearing the official signature and seal of a currently commissioned New York notary public or the current New York State Registrar.
Click here to see what should be included in a properly and correctly notarized document.
In New York, your original document should be signed and stamped by a local notary public if it’s non-recordable, or certified by the public official (the county/court clerk or registrar) if it’s recordable. Then the Apostille is processed by the New York Secretary of State’s Office.
What documents can be apostilled in New York?
Any public, private, or corporate documents issued in New York can be apostilled. These documents include, but not limited to:
Birth Certificates
Death Certificates
Marriage Certificates
Divorce Certificates
Court Documents
State or Local Background Checks
Petition for Name Change
Copy of Driver’s License
Copy of Passport
Single Status Affidavit
Affidavit of One and the Same
Power of Attorney
Diplomas and Transcripts
Proof of Income
Employment Verification Letter
Bank Statement
Tax Returns
Articles of Incorporation/Articles of Organization
Corporate Amendments
Company’s Annual Report/Statement of Information
Bylaws/Operating Agreements
Good Standing Certificate
Business License
Meeting Minutes
Board Resolutions
Corporate Stock Ledger
Contracts and Agreements
How to obtain vital records in New York?
To get an apostille for vital records, including birth, death, marriage, and divorce certificates for events that occurred within the state of New York, you must first order a certified copy (🔗New York City, 🔗New York (except New York City)) of the vital record. The fastest and easiest way is to order it online at VitalCheck, which is authorized by the government to provide vital records for individuals in America.
What if my documents are federally issued?
Federal documents (like FBI Background Checks, Certificate of Naturalization, and Trademarks) are not authenticated at the state level. In this case, the service you’ll need is the Apostille of the U.S. Department of State.
Special guidelines for documents in New York
Notarized documents must be certified by the County Clerk of the County where the notary is certified to notarize.
Certified Copies of Birth or Death Certificates in NYC should bear a Letter of Exemplification. Without the Letter of Exemplification, NYC Birth Certificates and Death Certificates cannot be apostilled or authenticated.
Birth, Death, and Marriage certificates and Certificate of Divorce issued by a local or county official or county Department of Health must first be certified by the County Clerk of the county where the document was issued.
Birth, Death, and Marriage certificates issued by the New York State Department of Health and bearing the signature of the Director of Vital Statistics or NYS Registrar do not require a County Clerk certification.
What’s the apostille process, and what should I provide?
1. Order the Apostille service online. If you prefer to pay by check, make it payable to American Notary Service Center Inc. Fees and processing time can be found here.
2. Mail your documents to our office for processing.
Mailing Address:
American Notary Service Center
7512 Diplomat Drive, Suite 101,
Manassas, VA 20109
Besides New York, we can also apostille documents issued from other states, D.C., or the U.S. Federal agencies. The Apostille process can be complicated, time-consuming, and distracting that requires expertise and experience. So just leave it to us! Our experts can provide you with a full range of fast services that allow you to save time and focus on your own careers and key areas.
American Notary Service Center Inc. provides fair, fast, confidential, and professional document notarization and certification services for our clients. We also provide various assistance services to small businesses led by socially and economically disadvantaged groups. Our service helps small businesses obtain federal government contracts, gain a foothold in the market, and boost their sales. For more information, please visit our website at www.usnotarycenter.com, and contact us by calling 202-599-0777 or by email at info@usnotarycenter.com.